1760 House

During the year 1731, a log house was built which constitutes the southern half of the present building and in 1760 the northern half was built.
In 1746, John Trexler applied to the Court for a license to conduct a tavern upon the site. The following is a copy of the original Petition, now on file in the Court House at Doylestown, PA, which was then the County Seat for the locality.
“The Petition of John Traxseler of Macongy Township humbly sheweth:
That whereas I live in such a part of the County where there is no tavern or house of entertainment near which reason I am burdened with Travelers, your petition humbly craves you would be pleased to grant me a Recommendation to his honour the Governor for this license in order that I may keep a tavern or house of entertainment for the support of Travelers and whose names are hereunder subscribed to Recommend him as a person filling for the business afore requested and your Petitioner as in duty bound shall pray Cr.”
Lorentz Shot
Giti Grim
Balzer Faman
Frederick Romich
George Steininger
Jacob Wagner
The request was granted and a license issued to John Trexler to conduct a tavern or house of entertainment on the 11th day of July 1746, by King George of England. Since said date, this house has been a licensed tavern.